If the petition signer supplies the last four digits of their social security number, the petition does not need to be witnessed in the presence of a petition circulator and may be submitted to the candidate or candidate’s campaign by the petition signer themselves without affirmation by a circulator or notarization.
Candidate Information
(Signing a petition does not indicate support of that candidate nor does it obligate you to vote for that candidate).
Candidate Ballot Name: Princess Blanding
Residence: Water View
Office Sought: Governor
Petition Signer Statement
I, the qualified voters of the district in which the above candidate seeks nomination or election, and of signed hereunder, do hereby petition the above named individual to become a candidate for the office stated above in the General Election to be held on the 2nd day of November, 2021, and we do further petition that his/her name be printed upon the official ballots to be used at the election.*
*Language from the Virginia Board of Elections
Your Signature
I affirm the information provided is true, and I affirm I am a resident of my jurisdiction and of the address provided below.
I authorize this electronic signature to be applied to the electronic petition form submitted to the campaign of Princess Blanding.
Copy of Submitted Petition Form​
By providing your email address below your authorize for a PDF copy of your submitted peition to be emailed to you. Your email address will not be stored, it will only be used for this purpose unless unless authorized.